Apply Now to Join the List - Coming Soon in 2023!

This is for you... if you:

  • Have been in your leadership role < 5 years
  • Want to see real change
  • Have the heart of a servant leader
  • Want to build an extraordinary team
  • Are looking for a network of leaders in a community to share best practices & support each other


  • You'll have the tools to be successful in your leadership role
  • You'll feel confident and in control - of both your career and your team
  • You'll start having people ask you for advice in their leadership roles
  • You'll find the balance that works for you and your team
  • You'll be making a difference in your organization

Here's what is inside:

  • 2x monthly meetings
  • Networking and cohort support from leaders just like you
  • Guided topic discussions with Q&A
  • Downloadable content
  • Discounts to other events and classes

Admission is by application only:

  • To ensure the material is right for you
  • To ensure this community cohort is right for you
  • To make sure you are a good fit for our community


  • $720/year for founding members of the 1st cohort

Apply for the Academy

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